CATEGORY: Sussex Showcase

How Small Businesses Can Thrive With Powerful Video Content


How Small Businesses Can Thrive With Powerful Video Content



Video content is not reserved for influencers and social media personalities, it’s accessible to everyone and can be a major asset for businesses if used effectively. The beauty of using video content for business is that it can be a short-form medium. And in modern times, short-form content is king.


In a worrying trend, scientists have discovered that our attention spans have reduced by 25% since 2000 to just eight seconds. But, small businesses can take advantage of this lapse in concentration to provide powerful video content to outshine their competition. Let’s look at how.


Tell your story through video


With so many people suffering from a shortened attention span, it’s important to connect with potential customers as quickly as possible. Video content allows small businesses to deliver their message, brand ethos and story in a form that is more easily digestible for modern attention spans.


A study into the effectiveness of visual content concluded that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch a video compared to 10% when they read text, making video content a powerful asset. This form of content creation ensures your small business can better deliver your story, which helps enhance your reputation and build trust with consumers; two essential milestones for SMEs.


Appear on YouTube


Search engines are powerful tools that help put small businesses on the map. Google is, of course, the best-known and most powerful of them all but did you know that YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world?


Creating video content for YouTube allows you to further reach your potential customers, as it is also where they are searching. Consider ‘How to’ style video content for this social media platform, with more than 50% of users turning to YouTube to learn.



Rank higher in search


Small businesses may find the majority of their transactions are from the local community but if potential customers don’t know they exist then they can’t buy their products or services.


Improving the quality of your website helps increase your search rankings on Google, and adding video content can improve these results dramatically. Getting to the top of Google’s search results matters, especially as 75% of internet users never scroll beyond the first page.


Customers can better understand you


Some products and services are complicated, particularly when it comes to small businesses that may trade in niche areas of the market. Creating useful video content that showcases your products and services in all their glory goes a long way to increasing consumer comprehension.


And, when potential consumers understand your product better, their conversion rates are likely to increase. In fact, a study discovered that simply including a video on your landing page can boost conversions by over 86%.
