CATEGORY: Sussex Showcase

Top 3 ways to improve identity and access management security



What is IAM?


IAM managesthe roles and access privileges of individuals within your organisation. They essentially make sure that only the right people can access data, resources, and systems within your network, to protect your business from identity-based attacks.


The two aspects of IAM are: 


  • Identity management: This is a database that keeps a record of all employees. Login details, and sometimes multi-factor authentication, are used to verify user identity. 


  • Access management: Access management ensures that users can only access information they are permitted to.


Implement least privilege

The principle of least privilege is a vital framework for access control and identity management.


This is important for a few different reasons: 

  • Security: The privilege reduces the chances of security being compromised through employee accounts and limits the damage of an attack. 
  • Insider information: Limiting data access will reduce the risk of sensitive information being leaked by an insider, whether malicious or by mistake.


For these reasons, least privilege can be vital to protect your organisation.


Enforce MFA and use SSO where possible

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) ensures users are who they say they are, using more than just a password to authenticate their identity. Conversely, single-sign-on (SSO) software, such as Microsoft Entra, reduces the likelihood of credential-stuffing attacks with one login and point of access.


Make use of conditional access

Conditional access is a feature within Microsoft’s IAM platform, Entra that uses ‘signals’ to continuously verify access attempts to apps and data during sessions and identify unauthorised access. This helps network administrators strike a balance between security and convenience.

Read this guide to learn more about conditional access with Entra ID. 


Looking for support?

If you’re looking to get started with identity and access management security but need a helping hand, reach out to Extech Cloud today. Our experts are here to help you get started and will provide a helping hand to ensure you have the support you need at all times.


Get in touch with us now and see how we can help.
