Chamber Military Network


Armed Forces Covenant

The covenant is a promise from the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families are treated fairly. Those who proudly protect our nation, who do so with honour, courage, and commitment, the Armed Forces Covenant is the nation’s commitment to you.

It is a pledge that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve with their lives.

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The Armed Forces Covenant relies on the community and businesses in the UK to help support those who have served in the armed forces. This includes veterans, reservists, families, and Adult Cadet Volunteers. Those who wish to support the Armed Forces can sign the covenant and create their written promises and pledges to help set out to support and help the Armed Forces community. The type of support can vary depending on the size of the organisation but generally includes policies that encourage reserve support, support employment of the Armed Forces community and help to give them a fair deal on commercial goods and services.


South East ERS Gold Award 2024

We're proud to of been awarded the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Awards for our commitment to supporting the Armed Forces and their families, find out more here

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Sussex Lord Lieutenant’s Awards

Sussex Chamber are proud sponsors of the Sussex Lord Lieutenant’s Awards.  It is a great honour to be part of this annual event where we present our trophy and prize to “Best Reservist Sussex” from any Reserve Unit and is a key part of the Sussex Lord Lieutenant’s Awards.

The Lord-Lieutenant awards ceremony is a formal and prestigious event recognising individuals who demonstrate the volunteer ethos and to build and nurture the enduring relationships that are so important to your County and local community.

View the photos here

Photo credits- Stewart Turkington Photography

View the video here


Our Pledge

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Read the Sussex Chamber’s Pledge to Support the Armed Forces Covenant

Browse our images from the Covenant Signing here

Browse our images from the South East ERS Silver Awards here

Find out more and how to get involved at the

 Armed Forces Website

Supporting The Unsung Hero

Chamber Military Network

Veteran's Getaway

Armed Forces Day

Forces Connect App

Help for Heroes

Official Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Clubs

Veterans Outreach Support (VOS) 

Veterans’ Gateway