QES Survey

It is vitally important for you all to have a voice. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) and the accredited Chamber Network run Britain's most influential private business survey the BCC Quarterly Economic Survey (QES). The QES is Britain's biggest, and longest-running, private business survey. It has provided consistent data since 1989, and regularly receives more than 7,000 business responses. It is a leading indicator often picking up big changes in the economy long before other surveys or official statistics.

  • The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee uses the QES as one of its key benchmarks when setting interest rates.
  • HM Treasury and the independent Office for Budget Responsibility use the QES to put together their forecasts for the UK's economic performance.
  • The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) use the QES when comparing the UK to competitors worldwide.

There is a dedicated QES webpage 

Issues important to your business are considered at government. Your decision influences key decision makers, supports legislation to improve business life, it challenges legislation that hinders local and national business and helps create positive change and an improved business environment.

The QES is a clear example of how being part of Sussex Chamber of Commerce means you're part of something bigger. 

Surveys are sent on a quarterly basis to all members and we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this important survey.