Critical thinking questions, analyses, interprets, evaluates and make a judgement about what has been learned. It comes from the Greek kritikos meaning “being able to judge or discern”.

The benefits of critical thinking are:

>  Better informed strategic decisions

>  Improved complex problem solution

>  Increased productivity

>  Better-quality misinformation identification

>  Enhanced curiosity

>  Superior pattern recognition


Key Skills:

>  Analytical Thinking

>  Good Communication

>  Creative Thinking

>  Open-mindedness

>  Problems Solving

>  Appropriate Questioning



>  Decision Trees

>  Changing PoV

>  Active Listening

>  Remember Socrates

>  Decision Hygiene

>  Inside Out

>  Five Why’s


>  Overcoming What If’s and Moving Forward


Please note: A minimum of 4 delegates are required to run this course. If this is not met then this course may be rescheduled.

Louise Breinholt

Louise Breinholt

Lecturer, Business & Management, Chichester College Group

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