The learner will gain the knowledge and practical competence required to deal with a wide range of workplace first aid situations.

The qualification is also suitable for people with responsibility for the provision of first aid in other settings such as voluntary and community groups.

This qualification is regulated in the UK and awarded by First Aid Awards (FAA).


Learning Outcomes & Criteria

  1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider.
    1. Identify the role and responsibilities of a first aider.
    2. Identify how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others.
    3. Identify the need for consent to provide first aid
  2. Be able to assess an emergency situation safely.
    1. Conduct a scene survey
    2. Conduct a primary survey of a casualty
    3. Summon appropriate assistance when necessary
  3. Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty
    1. Identify when to administer cadiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
    2. Demonstrate adult CPR using a manikin
    3. Identify when to place a casualty into the recovery position
    4. Demonstrate how to place a casualty into the recovery position
    5. Demonstrate continual monitoring of breathing whilst the casuality is in the recovery position
    6. Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty who is experiencing a seizure
  4. Be able to provide first aid to a casualty who is choking
    1. Identify when a casualty is choking
    2. Demonstrate how to administer first aid to a casualty who is choking
  5. Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with external bleeding
    1. Identify whether external bleeding is life-threatening
    2. Demonstrate how to administer first aid to a casualty with external bleeding.
  6. Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who is suffering from shock
    1. Recognise when a casualty is suffering from shock.
    2. Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty who is suffering from shock.
  7. Know how to provide first aid to a casualty with minor injuries
    1. Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty with:
      1. Small cuts
      2. Grazes
      3. Bruises
      4. Small splinters
      5. Nosebleeds
    2. Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty with minor burns and scalds

The qualification is assessed through practical demonstration.
There is no grading of the assessment, learners pass or are referred.


The qualification is valid for three years from the date of achievement.
It is strongly recommended by the Health and Safety Executive that the learner attends annual refresher training.


Please note: A minimum of 6 delegates are required to run this course. If this is not met then this course may be rescheduled.

Meet the Trainer!

Andrew Grosvenor

Andrew Grosvenor

Training Manager, Wave Active

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