
This introduction course is aimed at those involved in the administration of international trade to ensure an understanding of rules of origin, product classification and item valuation to meet the demands of international trade in both exporting and importing. Understanding origin, tariffs and valuation is essential for the correct calculation of taxation and duties, and mistakes leading to non-payment or underpayment are considered a serious matter by HMRC. They also lead to duty reliefs, so getting this right could save you money.

Course Contents:

  • Preference and Non-Preference Origin
  • The rules determining preference rules of origin
  • Understanding tariff codes
  • Correctly classifying goods with examples
  • Import Valuation
  • Sources for help and advice

Who Should Attend

International trade and finance administrators and managers needing to understand duties, taxes and compliance. Mistakes in this area can be costly and serious so companies must ensure they have the knowledge to manage this properly in their organisations. The course is valuable for both newcomers wanting an introduction and overview, and experienced staff needing a refresher on current requirements.


Please Note: You will need to attend and obtain the credit of at least six of the eleven courses in order to achieve the Foundation Award in International Trade, awarded by the British Chambers of Commerce.