Did you know that LinkedIn is the number one social media platform for business-to-business marketing and offers you a multitude of opportunities to help you build your professional reputation, attract high-quality leads and drive sales?

LinkedIn is no longer a site just for job hunting. In fact, senior leadership teams and salespeople see an average of 120% better ROI when they factor LinkedIn into their sales and marketing.

In this ½ day workshop, you will learn how to use LinkedIn effectively to build your professional reputation, optimise your profile to make you and your business more attractive to leads and prospects, build relationships and improve the quality of your sales.

We will cover:

  • Introduction to LinkedIn: Why use it, general information and how it fits into the wider marketing mix.
  • Optimising your profile: A profile walk-through shows all the key features available and ensures your business profile is as effective as possible.
  • Understanding the algorithm and sharing content on LinkedIn.
  • How to build a community and create more connections.
  • Using the search function effectively.
  • Building relationships through the power of direct messaging.

Please note: A minimum of 4 delegates are required to run this course. If this is not met then this course may be rescheduled.

Melanie Johnson

Melanie Johnson

Founder, Sussex Social Ltd

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