We've recently partnered with Reveela.com, a cutting-edge digital marketing platform which allows businesses to connect with wider audiences locally, nationally or globally. Increase your social ranking, enhance your SEO and website’s visibility whilst sharing news stories and editorial for our Business Edge magazine.

This strategic collaboration aims to help Chamber members gain a competitive advantage in both local and international markets by leveraging advanced digital marketing capabilities powered by new energy reducing Artificial Intelligence, developed by Reveela Technologies and part funded by Innovate UK. 

Understanding the crucial need for companies to adapt and embrace both digital strategies and NetZero initiatives in order to thrive and remain relevant, Sussex Chamber has taken a proactive step to transition its printed Business Edge membership magazine into a digital one on the Reveela platform, with the net impact creating a reduction of over 300 tonnes of carbon emissions over a ten-year period. This move is anticipated to yield further substantial, measurable outcomes in support of Net Zero initiatives over the next decade including the preservation of approx. 8,000 trees associated with printed products, the conservation of 15 million litres of fresh water linked to magazine production, and the mitigation of scope 3 emissions associated with product distribution.

Through this collaboration, members will have access to Reveela's digital marketing platform, enabling businesses to reach a wider targeted audience specific to their niche, enhance their online presence, boost customer engagement and build stronger alliances within digital communities and publishers. Providing the ability to raise awareness of the regions commercial viability is expected to make a significant impact on the region’s economy, encouraging inward investment and stimulating exporting. 

A key benefit of this partnership lies in the opportunity it presents for both Sussex Chamber and its member businesses to minimize their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future while growing and thriving in the digital age. By embracing digital marketing technologies designed for energy efficiency, companies will benefit from the opportunities new technology brings. 

This shift towards sustainability aligns with Sussex Chamber's commitment to supporting eco-friendly practices and minimizing the environmental impact for its members.

The partnership between Sussex Chamber and Reveela.com exemplifies a commitment to economic progress and sustainability in business.