09 Jul 2024

A consultation event to help us improve our curriculum offer and produce the workforce of the future.

East Sussex College Group have been busy reviewing and developing our curriculum under the banner Beyond 2020 and would really welcome your thoughts, ideas, and help to improve it further.

East Sussex College Group have been busy reviewing and developing our curriculum under the banner Beyond 2020 and would really welcome your thoughts, ideas, and help to improve it further.


Over the coming months, we will be hosting a series of employer consultation events where we will engage with employers to find out what more we need to do, what we need to stop, and find out how you can help us to deliver a better offer!


Our goal is to co-design and co-delivery our educational programmes with employers of all sizes, while ensuring that the programmes include the key skills and competencies needed to be successful in work, or enable progression onto higher levels of study.


We are refocusing our technical provision into four key career families:


  • Construction, Engineering and Motor Vehicle
  • Creative & Design, Digital, Music and Performing Arts
  • Health, Care, Sport and Public Services
  • Business & Service Industries (including catering, hospitality, travel and visitor economy, hair and beauty and business and marketing)


Our next consultation event will take place on Thursday 14th  November, between 4-6pm at our Eastbourne Campus and will focus on developing our Creative & Design, Digital, Music and Performing Arts career pathway.


This session will provide us with your valuable feedback so that we can improve and adapt our provision, meaning our students will be well trained and ready to meet your business needs.


Please register via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creative-design-digital-performing-arts-curriculum-consultation-event-tickets-74270580305


We look forward to meeting with you and getting critical feedback into our offer.