06 Aug 2024

Local cancer support charity, Olive Tree Cancer Support Group will host its first family friendly trek in Horsham on 21st September. Join in on the fun and register today!

This brand-new challenge event will be the first of its kind in support of the Olive Tree.


Starting at our Horsham Centre, trekkers, will navigate a 3-mile pre-set route through Horsham Town Centre, around Pavilions in The Park, then head to the final destination, Aspen Place Care Home, where the local community will celebrate with light refreshments, and music by DJ Sorro!


However, the charity needs your help for this event to be a success! You can do this by signing up for The Trek and encourage and share with your friends, families and colleagues too.


It cost £10 per adult to register (children under the age of 16 free) and all Trekkers will receive a free Olive Tree T-shirt, a map of the route, and support with setting up your own JustGiving page. All funds raised will go towards offering therapies and emotional support to people have been affected by cancer.


If walking is not an option for you, then you can still support the #olivetreetrek, by simply sharing the event, by word of mouth.


A big thank you to the event’s corporate sponsors Aspen Place Care Home and HSBC, Horsham


To register, please visit: www.tickettailor.com/events/theolivetreetrek