Plan submitted for proposed local government reorganisation in East Sussex
The government wants unitary councils to replace two-tier government in areas which have both county and borough or district councils.
The Interim Plan drawn up by the six local authorities in East Sussex – East Sussex County Eastbourne Borough, Hastings Borough, Rother District, Lewes District and Wealden District councils - suggests a single unitary authority as a leading option but it makes clear council leaders remain open to presenting alternatives if the government changes its criteria, and if evidence and strong public support suggest other options.
If created, a new authority or authorities would replace ESCC and the five boroughs and districts in 2028. A consultation on the Interim Plan will be held for residents across East Sussex over the coming months.
All six councils have agreed the extra work to develop a new local government structure in East Sussex should be funded by the government as it cannot be met from existing council resources.
In a letter to the government minister Jim McMahon, Wealden council leader Councillor Rachel Millward said that all six council leaders have worked collaboratively to deliver an Interim Plan as requested and that government criteria limits the option to mean there is only one option – a single unitary authority for East Sussex.
Councillor Millward said, “Given this limit and the very short time we have had to give other options appropriate consideration, we have agreed to the proposals set out in the plan.
“It is important, though, that we leave the door open for the potential to adjust our plans as the work gets underway to develop the proposals and, especially, in the light of responses to public consultation. The landscape and demography of East Sussex is wide and varied, and the challenges we face in our district are distinct from the challenges faced by other districts and boroughs in the county.
“We intend therefore to appraise the relative benefits of other options which recognise the specific identities which characterise the natures of our rural and coastal communities as distinct.
“We are focused on finding the answer that is right for residents and will lead to transformed services.”
“We will be undertaking further work to build the evidence base for alternative configurations alongside the single unitary set out in the plan including comprehensive public and stakeholder engagement.”
Final detailed proposals for unitary government in East Sussex will be submitted to the government in September.